Edamame Hummus Salad

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Rainy season has officially passed, and the heat is really taking its toll. I have to say though, I’m enjoying summers in Japan more and more. I have a great desire to swim right now, and am really missing the beaches and pools of New Zealand.

Second in the Summer Salad series is the Edamame Hummus Salad Bowl. It’s my favourite salad bowl because it’s hearty yet refreshing at the same time and is just a wonderful fusion of Japanese and Western cuisine.


(Summer Salad Series #2)



1 handful of sliced carrots (cooked)

1 handful of cooked bean sprouts

Juice of ½ a Lemon 

2~3 Tbsp Edamame Hummus

Cherry tomatoes

1/2 a small cucumber

1 serving pre-cooked rice



  1. If using frozen rice, microwave for 1~2 minutes
  2. Chop the cucumber and tomatoes
  3. Add the vegetables directly into the serving bowl along with reheated rice
  4. Add hummus
  5. Squeeze lemon juice
  6. Mix well and serve

And you are done!


The ingredients are basically identical to the other salad series. Only main difference is that we don’t need ingredients for the sauce as we have the edamame hummus. At the same time, we don’t need the additional edamame either as the hummus already takes care of the protein.

You can garnish with sesame seeds or herbs. You can also add some sesame miso sauce if you find it too bland or too dry. It’s up to you.


This salad is perfect when you make a batch of hummus over the weekend because it’s simpler than the other bowls and absolutely delicious. In fact, I make hummus for the purpose of having this salad ready at hand during these hot dreary days of summer.


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